Finding the perfect home for this first time buyer was so gratifying! They had very particular requirements such as needing to be near the running paths, in Parkdale, within a specific budget, and in a home that they would feel comfortable, safe and secure in – and I was determined to fill the entire order!
Over the course of a few months, we viewed over a dozen properties including numerous within the Point Mckay development. Narrowing down from apartments, townhomes and semi’s to just townhomes, we became increasingly enamoured with Point McKay. We bid on one and lost out, but I kept reminding my buyer that one new Point McKay is typically listed each week and when we found the right one, at a reasonable price, we needed to be ready to pounce.
That “right one” popped up on my screen while eating my lunch on Saturday. I dropped my spoon, called the buyer and booked the first available showing that afternoon. Since the buyer was out of town that day, I wrote up an offer (with their permission) while I waited for the showing time to arrive. I met the listing Realtor onsite as she dropped off the lockbox. Then, I showed the home to my buyer by phone and they eagerly agreed to have me place the offer on their behalf.
A tense and competitive 24 hours later, our offer was accepted! Luckily, my buyer was as thrilled as I was, with this home and its completely upgraded state, when they saw it in person!
I can’t wait for the housewarming party!